and Extra Refunds from past returns
It's why we're ranked No. 1 on Service Seeking and we're the only PRO classified tax accountant they insure for up to $5,000
It is our unique, national market leading ability to get you EXTRA refunds from your past years returns that is the reason we are able to keep our fee for your original return so low. Even if we don't or this is your first return you still get the best priced return in Australia from the smartest accountants.
We’d love to help and no one will get you more from the past, present and future or serve you more faithfully.
We offer free advice all year round and encourage our clients to call when something happens in their life so we can give them guidance so that come their next tax return they have more to claim and thus a better tax result.
Why Us?
Rated No 1 Tax Accountant Agent Consultant on Service Seeking
Low basic tax fee
Biggest TFN refund or lowest tax payable for businesses, ABN or ACN
Extra refunds from past tax returns. There’s a very high chance of an EXTRA refund from any tax return you’ve done in the last 2 years and greater carry forward ABN loss from last 10 years.
FREE review of past tax returns to ensure you’ve claimed all you’re entitled to legally claim
FREE instructions now and ongoing to ensure you are in a position to claim the greatest amount of expenses and pay the least tax.
FREE Tax help line all year round.
Best reviews - check them out here
Highest number of positive reviews (over 130 online and 1000's more emailed to us) with an approval rating of 99%.
Some of the main issues that occur are not claiming all your expenses, traditionally unclaimed/under claimed by all quick cheap Tax Agents who are rushing to get your interview finished in 10 minutes.
We will take the time needed (more than one interview if required, we’ll email directions and helpful templates) to ensure wherever possible you claim all applicable expense categories and the maximum of each expense in each of those categories and train you in the steps to take so that in future you can legally claim more going forward.
Areas commonly underclaimed:
Your car is often under claimed, or not claimed when you could qualify for this deduction. We’ll take time to teach you how it could be claimed and can add up to $20,000 in deductions to your return. Your car if claimed is most often claimed by the fast but often the weakest cents per kilometer method. There are 4 methods in < = 2015 - CPK, 12%, 1/3, Logbook and > = 2016 2 methods CPK & Logbook. We’ll go through each to find the method that gives you the best result. Up to $16,750 under claimed.
Travel. We’ll teach you how to make planned private travel partially claimable for TFN or ABN. $1,000's unclaimed, think 20% of flights, accommodation, meals etc.
Self Education expenses for TFN or ABN. $1,000s unclaimed.
Your home. TFN or ABN home office as a % of total home costs (rent or owned). $10,000's unclaimed.
Overtime meal expenses without receipts if you work overtime Average $3850 unclaimed.
Rental properties. Building depreciation unclaimed average $325,000 over 40 years.