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Biggest refund or best price

We'll work tirelessly to get you the biggest tax refund. Our hard working clients are the happiest in Australia and they made more in refunds. We're experts at getting you the best results from your tax returns present, past and future. Don't settle for less! Chat to us today to get your refund rolling.

Claim your EXTRA refund

Free past tax return reviews

My Extra Refund, at no cost or obligation to you, will review all your past 10 returns to identify how much EXTRA you're entitled to if we correct your returns for amounts you're allowed to claim but didn't. Most Australians miss claiming all the benefits, deductions, offsets and exemptions they're entitled to and we're here to make sure this doesn't keep happening to you.

We'll get you more or you don't pay so the only result for you is peace of mind or more money.

Contact us now to claim your Extra Refunds or learn more about your bigger and extra refunds.

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